Selasa, 23 April 2013

How do I put videos from my motorola razor to my computer with the sound and all?

Q. It wont work with my media player. I think I need a 3g2 codec?
Ok let me give a little more detail here. I have the videos from my phone onto my computer what I want to know is how to play the videos on my computer with the sound and all.
I have tried to use my media player to veiw the videos but it dont have sound. I think I need a Codec????

A. just drag and drop might help ..

How do I save ringtones from myxer to my motorola razor cellphone and set them?
Q. The songs are coming thru to my phone successfully, how do I save and switch them to my ringtone gallery?



upload a music file or give them any youtube video

ventones will convert it into a ringtone for your specific phone

How do I preserve the battery on my motorola razor?
Q. I charged my phone fully and now it has one notch of power. I don't know what setting I should put it on so I was wondering if anyone could help. It is a motorola razor with verizon wireless. Can anyone give me suggestions on battery life?

A. You can turn the back light off & switch to lowest contrast.Go to settings-->display-->look for the options in there

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